About Organization


YOUTH FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE PROMOTING - (YGGP) Youth for Good Governance Promoting (YGGP) is a non-racial, non-religious, non-profit making, non- governmental organization. It is based in Birendranagar-8, Surkhet, Karnali Province. The organization was registered in 2075 BS r District Administration Office Surkhet and affiliated with Welfare Council, Kathmandu and NGO federation too.

YGGP is implementing various activities in 15 district of Karnali and Lumbini province since its establishment to achieve envisioned goal of organization. Mobilization of Youth in emergency response, disaster, education, food security, Gender and social inclusion are key intervention of this organization. Socially, geographically and economically marginalized vulnerable people are key beneficiaries of the organization. We believe on sustainable development approach and focusing activities accordingly. We cannot achieve the synergy result with-out proper collaboration with key stakeholder. Local government are key wings to collaboration for program implementation and funding to sustain the development intervention.

Since its Establishment, YGGP is guided by the principles of equality, equity, co-existence and the respect for human dignity. YGGP has been developed in the campaign of social transformation and community empowerment through-out working period. Over the time, YGGP has learned various aspects, and gained experiences as well as developed expertise and identified the key thematic areas that motivated the institution to develop sustainable way and being focused institutional development planning with several changes and perspectives. 125 trained youth leaders in various sector are mobilizing in the program. Technical and non-technical staff will be mobilized for the program from the roster during emergency.

YGGP is focused on implementing activities i.e. mobilization of Youth, women, girls and child right, Gender equality, transparency and social accountability, GEDSI, lobbying for protection of human rights, quality education, agriculture development, Urban FutureScape/Hamro Sahar, environment protection, social accountability, Governance, Advocacy, reproduction Health, WASH, DRR, participatory rural development, promotion of social norms and values, campaign for educational rights and income generating activities for the marginalized and socially excluded communities. It is committed to creating a self-sustained society and would like to contribute something worth noting in the process of social transformation.


Empower socially deprived people, women, Orphan, ethnic and minority rural community through social mobilization and facilitation process.


Make equitable and inclusive society.


To uplift socio economic status of community people especially women, children marginalized and disadvantaged people and the people living in difficult circumstances


  • To promote downward social accountability and support to establish good governance system.
  • Improve and access quality education of Govt School with active mobilization of SMC/PTA.
  • Increase local employment through maximum use of local resources.
  • Reduce child and maternal mortality rate by providing health and nutrition related program.
  • Promote governance practices through social accountability tools and technique.
  • Advocacy on policy formulation in the gap and proper implementation.
  • Organize vocational and skill development training to youths to get employment opportunity.
  • Promote gender equality, disability and social inclusion-GEDSI in every project activities.
  • Mobilize and capacity building of youths and adolescents in the development sector being youth lead organization.
  • To reduce poverty through modernize the rural agriculture and Animal husbandry.
  • To enhance the capacity of local community to reach in the resources of GOs and I/NGOs.

Core Thematic Area of the Organization

  • Value people and serve to the poor.
  • Good Governance.
  • Wellbeing of children.
  • Peace & justice.
  • Neutrality.
  • Environment Protection.

Organization's Rules and Policies

  • Organizational Policy/Human Resourse
  • Financial Policy
  • GESI Policy
  • Child Protection Policy
  • Youth Empowerment Policy
  • Monotoring And Evaluation Guidelines
  • Anit-Fraud Policy

Methodology And WorkPlan

S.N Activies
1 Review the documents
2 Play the roles and responsibilities
3 Selection of the Mobilizers
4 Selection of Social Mobilization Coordinator
5 Selection of Community Volunteers
6 Social mobilization training
7 Organize and management of trainings
8 Technical Backstopping
9 Act as a Resource Person
10 Progress Reporting Writing
11 Financial Management
12 Oversight the Socail Mobilization Programme
13 Support Livelihood Improvement Plan (LIP)
14 Information and Dissemination
15 Review the Programme & assets the performance if socail mobilizers
16 Overall Management & change the modality of programme
17 Coordination and Harmonization
18 Delivery and Performance Evaluaation

Working Experience

YGGP works for the social transformation through various advocacy and awareness campaigns with targeting people those who are socially and economically excluded communities. It has established because of the highly social development oriented spirit, indomitable voluntarisms, vision for better locality and the nation at large scale since 5 years ago. It has inclusive in nature, with goal to make of self-reliance to socially deprived Dalit, women, Orphan, ethnic group and minority people of rural community through facilitation with maintaining transparency and good governance. The vision of the organization is to improve the quality of life and improve economic status and support socially excluded community in Surkhet District through social mobilization process and activities.

People of the communities, especially the poor of the poorest, most deprived, disadvantaged and marginalized are the main focus of the organization with providing support through social mobilization, agricultural development and environment promotion, small infrastructure development in order to empower the local community. Likewise; social mobilization, quality education and empowerment through capacity building of community-based organizations are also the priority. Advocacy on environment management, inclusive democracy and local development, community health and sanitation, social justice and peace building, justice and economic development are the parallel activities. Institutional and leadership development, skill and technology transformation, conservation and environment protection, social and political dialogues for restructuring existing institutions and influencing policies and processes, business and market development, public-private partnership and macro-micro rural-urban linkage, good governance, human resource and infrastructure development are the prime interventions.

The major programs being implemented by YGGP in the past 2 years are as below. Similarly, YGGP has a good relation with local bodies and line-agencies. Since its establishment YGGP has developed partnership with local bodies and line- agencies for the implementation of various programs and activities. It has developed partnership with CAED Nepal, Rulal Municipality, Municipality etc.